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15/ PBL


PBL 1: Anaesthesia outside of the operating room

Nadia Najafi (Belgium)
Thursday, 26 September 2024, 11:30–12:30

PBL 2: The severely neurotraumatized pediatric patient

Despoina Iordanidou (Greece) & Kristian Nørholm Jensen (Denmark)
Thursday, 26 September 2024, 13:30–14:30

Learning topics will be:

  • initial assessment and management of TBI
  • tier based management of raised intracranial pressure
  • anaesthetic management of patients undergoing neurosurgical interventions in order to reduce raised ICP
  • sedative strategies of the neurological injured child
  • management of the potential organ donor

The topics will be discussed based on a real case

PBL 3: Clinical cases to be optimized with LRA

Annabel Pearson, Babette Clinck, Catalina Stendall (UK)
Thursday, 26 September 2024, 14:45–15:45

This problem-based learning (PBL) session on regional anaesthesia will highlight the importance of regional anaesthesia as part of the multimodal pain management in children. Through open discussion of common paediatric scenarios, attendees will gain practical insights into the challenges, considerations, and controversies surrounding this topic.

Case I: bilateral inguinal hernia repair in neonates – Babette Clinck
Case II: lower limb trauma in paediatrics – Catalina Stendall

PBL 4: Tips & tricks to optimize distraction

Amy Baxter (United States)
Friday, 27 September 2024, 11:30–12:30

At the end of the talk the attendee will be able to explain why distraction is effective pain control from a neurological perspective, what age appropriate distraction is, and new technologies (and free tools in any room) to give effective acute pain management.

PBL 5: The trauma patient

Fanny Bonhomme (Switzerland)
Friday, 27 September 2024, 13:30–14:30

Trauma is one of the most common causes of death and disabilities in childhood.

The aims of this PBL session are :

  •  describe the common patterns of pediatric trauma
  •  discus the initial approach to the management of the unstable child with major traumatic injuries
  •  discuss about massive transfusion in children with hemorrhagic shock

PBL 6: ABC's of the VLBW infant

Peter Frykholm (Sweden)
Friday, 27 September 2024, 14:45–15:45

We will discuss key issues in the anesthetic management of Very Low Birth Weight infants in the operating room.

Learning objectives:
1. understand optimal management of airway, breathing and ventilation in VLBWI
2. reflection on our own practice - what can we do better?


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